
Sunday 27 March 2011

Super Robot Taisen OG: The Inspector (TV)

Themes: ecchi, mecha
Plot Summary: Six months after the conclusion of the L5 Campaign and the DC War, the crews of the PT carriers, Hagane and Hiryuu Custom have gone their separate ways. They are not far apart for long, however, as the remnants of the DC soon begin to push against the Federation Forces with newly acquired resources. A mysterious organization, the Shadow Mirror, has begun to arm them with weapons and robots that should not exist. Compounding matters, inter-dimensional entities known as Einsts begin to appear around the World and seem to share a psychic connection with ATX pilots, Kyosuke Nanbu and Excellen Browning. Even worse, aliens calling themselves, The Inspectors, have arrived from outer space with plans to retake the White Star and finish the job the Aerogators could not. As this new, four sided war begins, Lamia Loveless, a Shadow Mirror operative sent to spy on the Federation Forces must choose between her orders and her new found friends among the Hagane and Hiryuu crews.(source)
 ** I just love good mech series and this would have to be another one of them episode 25 just came out can be found on crunchyroll by all accounts there should be a 26th episode so if you like mechs this is a good one to watch. **

Episode 25 


  1. yesss giant robots! i can't get enough

  2. i love gundam-esque shit.


  3. I always enjoy watching mech series. There have been some good series I'll have to give this one a try.

  4. Gundam hooooy, used to watch this.. might pick it up again one day!

  5. Large robots, the word 'gun' in another word. WOW.

  6. I have to admit I kinda have a fetish for robots ;) hehe

  7. MECHS!


  8. I've never liked mecha anime much. Maybe it's time to change it?
